Friday, May 16, 2008

Nature Vs Nature

As I stood there perched in between the two towering hills. The vast sea below raged its war against the rocks below. Waves persisting vengefully like a wounded soldier. A rush of anger belted against the black stone, then came the moment of silence as the waves retreat back into the sea. The rock stands still but the sea does not tire. A simplified relationship with a harsh embrace.

The blue calm,
A white fury
The black defender,
Staying strong,
Nature Vs nature

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Concern For Mumbai

Mumbai the city of “structured chaos”. Words are not enough to describe this bustling hustling city. A melting pot, a amalgamation the true heart beat of India. A city where each day goes by in the blink of an eye. The sights of the sea, the magnificence of the sunlight, glistening on the blue water and the waves crashing across the rocks. The sky scrapers the jewels necklace the largest organized slum you can see. Hawkers, Dabbawalas, the stock exchange the underworld wars, Cricket, the night life, and the most important of them all the History and Heritage.

Mumbai was originally made up of seven small islands, composing mostly of mangrove forests and marshland dissected by rivers, streams and the sea. Fishing villages and settlements of the Koli and Aagris tribes developed on these islands, and the area became a centre for Hindu and Buddhist and Christian culture and religion under the Maurya Empire. in the 9th century the area came under the rule of the Silhara dynasty, before falling in 1343 to the Muzaffarid dynasty of Gujarat. The arrival of the Portuguese in India in 1498 resulted in them appropriating much of the west coast of India. In 1508, Francis Almeida sailed in the archipelago and named it Bom Bahia or "Good Bay." In 1661 the seven islands were ceded to Charles II of England as the dowry of Catherine de Braganza. The islands were leased to the British East India Company in 1668.

The British undertook land-filling and draining of the marshlands, developing a modern port and city, which attracted migrant workers from across India. In the 19th century, Mumbai emerged as an important centre of international commerce, industry and culture and in the 20th century, it became an important centre for politics and government, becoming a strong base of the Indian independence movement. Following India's independence in 1947, the city's population has expanded exponentially. Modern service, commerce and technology sectors have replaced the older, heavier industries and lead to the rapid expansion of city.

This history is embedded in a large number of structures and buildings spread across various parts of Mumbai. Unfortunately these structures are losing their importance and value in today’s modern world. Concern for Mumbai ( would like to change this view and resurrect these buildings keeping a large part of Mumbai spirit alive and not relinquishing the aesthetic beauty of our city MUMBAI


Rock n Roll
What’s all that noise?
A self expression
Energy wasted on ruthless aggression
Rebels being born
Drugs in there veins
The groupies, the aimless love making
Is there a purpose
The message
They wanted to spread peace
May love and time heal all?
The passion
The lyrics
Guitars flaming
Drums being beaten to pulp
You had to be there to believe it
Those times of insanity
The floral
The hash in the air
The expansion of human minds
A feeling of being spiritual
The want………………….