Thursday, June 26, 2008


Nature is infinite but my life has boundaries

I have travelled for so long to so many strange places i have become a stranger to myself

From now on i will hold to no faith, i can only strive to save myself. Man is beyond salvation

i feel i have walked onto a stage The people around me absorbed in their parts putting on a great show. nothing seems real Every object a prop. Since i am have no part i am a mere spectator, with no where to sit. So i have to mingle with the actor on stage. It is a terrible feeling.

the more freedom you have to choose your path the harder the journey is

I knew it was futile to keep walking because when you are lost there is nowhere to go


The wizard of Oz

Does it exist,
Is the world real,
Does it just exist in our minds,
If so then it can never be destroyed,
Our world our lives,

A reflection of us is all that the world consists of,
Our thoughts shown to us,
We make things out to be the way we want them to be seen,
Future, Introspection, Philosophy
Books,Music, Art, Work,
Everything reflects our thoughts.

We are to the world a mere reflection of our thoughts
what i write is real in my head,
and now it is real in YOURS!!!!